The Main Project

  • Welcome to the free world, or, at least, whats left of it. The oldest of the 2 major world powers, the Trans-European Commonwealth has controlled the western world ever since its victory in the Great War. A theoretical bastion of Peace, Justice and Freedom, its corruption, mismanagement and internal strife are well known within and without.

  • Welcome To The Big Apple! Capital of the TEC and home to the 6 of the 10 largest structures on earth.

    Towering over the waves above the now flooded ruins of Old New York, and trailing off to the west along the Skyway. The New New York artificial island chain is one of the great wonders of the modern world and a symbol of humanities determination to press ever onwards and upwards.

    Life in the most densely populated city on earth may seem daunting at first, but give it time and you’ll come to find its a small world.

  • Welcome to the Chicago Rim Area, home to the worlds oldest Megacity project, The CRP. A sprawling jungle of concrete and steel centered on the esteemed New Chicago Institute around the Old Chicago Crater, and stretching from the western shores of Lake Michigan off into the horizon.

    Whether you’re living it up on the cities surface level, getting lost in the labyrinthine halls of the inner city, or wandering the forest of pillars and supports in the undercity. You’d be hard pressed to find a dull moment in The CRP.

  • Some say all the worlds evil comes from the acts of one devil.

    Some say all of the worlds crime operates under a single kingpin.

    Some say the whole world rests in the grip of a grand conspiracy.

    Some say its all connected.

    Those who know, know better than to say anything.

  • Some say if you eat mushrooms and go looking for god you’ll find one. Like a great pulsating mass connecting all things.

    But God forbid It finds you

  • After the Great War the climate collapsed. Flooding, Drought, Fires, Storms, Mass Extinction. What was left of humanity found themselves forced to consolidate in the newly established Megacities.

    While apocalypse may have come humanity persists on earth and beyond. Some Flourishing, most barely scrapping by.

    The world might not have ended yet, but its hard to imagine it going anywhere but downhill from here.

  • Every end is a new beginning, we could all use a fresh start, and a world is a terrible thing to waste.

  • The working title for the overall body of canon of what I consider basically my life’s work and a collapsed acronym for “A Hostile Outsiders Abstract Psychoanalysis Of The Subconscious Of The Metaorganism”.

    Photasm is a deeply Built setting and story intended for long running production across a wide variety of mediums. An odyssey spanning dozens of settings characters and genre, and thousands of years.

    The intended contents of which are enumerated below.

  • A 34 part surrealist leaning multimedia series including tapestries, a deck of cards, and a 12 part comic series. All following or centered around the history, personalities, character drama and the political games of a Lovecraftian Pantheon. Mostly from the POV of a once human now enmeshed in higher dimensional affairs.

    Effectively a container for the universe that is the setting of the rest of the project.

  • A 21 part series in a Retro or Analog style designed to establish backstory and a strong sense of setting.

    Follow the story of the recurrent rise and fall of life across the universe leading up to the history of the Earth in a loose but building narrative of a grand cycle of fate and reincarnation.

  • A 13 Volume Comic series primarily following the exploits of a Wannabe Superhero (Alex, AKA Ajax), a Witch Detective (Delphi, AKA Oracle), and a Psychic Serial Killer (Jason, AKA Smiley, 6, Ira, and more) as their fates slowly intertwine and become wrapped up in the conspiracies of legendary villain Mr.Black.

  • A 13 part Animated series with 4 movies (shared between VS Black and White) and 9 seasons. Following the growing team and organization behind Mr.Black as they clash with other villains and organize the revolution to demolish their dystopia and move forward Blacks clandestine goals.

  • An 8 part Supplementaries series concurent to VS Black and containing 4 comic volumes and 4 movies shared with VS Black.

  • an 8 season animated show running parallel to VS Black and designed for a more youth audience than its counterpart. Follows the adventures of side characters and more slice of life content from the main cast.

  • 13 parts, each of them a single character focused story, parallel to VS Black, all intended for a video game format.

  • An 8 part story that jumps far forward to the end of the timeline to follow once side character Sam as she must navigate a science-highfantasy setting and uncover the secrets of a system sized megastructure.

  • A 5 Act high-sciencefantasy space-opera following crews joined by AI ghosts of the cast of VS Black on their varying space odysseys across the universe.


Undergrad Shorts